My personal guide


Hôtel La Cocotte Gourmande

Number of starsUnclassified

12 la Mazure

Open from to

Double room (price per room) : à partir de 100,00 €
Breakfast (price for children) : à partir de 12,00 €

Information complementaires

Access for people with reduced mobility

Method of payment acceptedDebit cards

ServicesFree WIFI

EquipmentFree private parking-Restaurant-Bar-Highchair

ComfortInternet access in bedrooms
Internet access
Double glazing

Greenway distanceÀ plus de 3 km

For the pros

For your meetingsNom de la salle Salle de séminaire
Disposition de la salle Multi-purpose
Superficie de la salle 32
Capacité de la salle 16
Salle privatisable
Complément description

Seminar servicesInternet access
Free to use screen
Video conferencing equipment
Free paperboard
Free to use overhead projector
Catering service

Seminar tariffsHalf-day delegate 38,00 €
Study day 48,00 €
Room hire 100,00 € / 200,00 €
Welcome coffee  €

For your stay in Normandy, the Cocotte Gourmande welcomes you 15 km from Saint-Lô and Coutances, 1.5 hours from the Landing Beaches and Mont Saint-Michel. The establishment has 5 spacious and comfortable rooms, all equipped with Wi-Fi internet access. Two rooms are accessible to people with reduced mobility as well as the entire restaurant. You can dine on site from Tuesday to Sunday noon, booking in advance.
