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Festival de contes "Histoire d'en découdre" - Le Petit Prince (D'après Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)


Free for all : à partir de  €


As part of the "Histoire d'en découdre" storytelling festival.

"As the Little Prince fell asleep, I took him in my arms and set off again. I was moved. It seemed to me that there was nothing more fragile on Earth.
I looked at that pale forehead, those closed eyes, those trembling strands of hair, in the moonlight, and I said to myself: what I see here is only a bark. The most important thing is invisible".

The Little Prince is the second most translated book in the world, after the Bible. This simple-language story hides a rare depth, and is equally suited to children and adults.

Running time: 50 min.
Ages 9 and up.