
Join us on January 25 at 6.30pm at the Saint-Lô theater for the show "Édouard" with the "Ä demain mon amour" company.

Poch is the name of the man who speaks to us. His first name is Édouard. Kneeling in the shadows, behind a rickety old table with truncated legs, clinging to it like a castaway to his raft, Édouard Poch at first shows only his hands. We can barely make him out, but when he speaks to us, we can see his hands playing nervously with a small knife. He talks to us as if we were sitting with him in a café. He tells us about his dunce-like childhood, his failed marriage, his mind-numbing factory job.
In bits and pieces, he tells us what's left of his life before he started to disappear.

Based on Poch, a text by Sébastien Joanniez.
Directed and performed by Pierre Tual.
Artistic collaboration: Sylvie Baillon, Eric Goulouzelle, Guillaume Hunout.
Photo credit ©Gilles Juhel.