
Join us on January 30 at 7.30pm at the Saint-Lô theater for the show "Mesure pour mesure" with the "Dodeka" company.

The play depicts the suffering of a character condemned to death for a derisory crime: Claudio must pay with his life for the faux pas of a carefree lover. Duke Vincentio, anxious to reform and restore his authority in the city of Vienna, recognizes that he has never enforced a law punishing adultery or fornication by death, and that his laxity has led to a licentiousness of morals that he would be ill-advised to correct after allowing it to take root.
The Duke entrusts the task of re-establishing moral order to his cousin Angelo, a rigorous judge of integrity. The news stunned the debauched world of Vienna?s brothels: most of the houses of pleasure were to be razed to the ground. Sentenced to death, the young lord Claudio is the first victim of this sudden appointment? Vincent Poirier takes on Shakespeare?s mythical, unclassifiable play, with 9 performers, including Joe Sature in his first foray into theater. They tell the story of the abuse of power, or how a power grab widens the gap of inequality.

Text: William Shakespeare.
Translation: Jean-Michel Déprats.
Stage direction: Vincent Poirier.
Dramaturgy: Isabelle Quantin.
Acting: Benjamin Bécasse-Pannier, Fabrice Bisson, Emmannuel Constant, Rodolphe Dekowski, Anne Dussutour, Philippe Jouan, Vincent Poirier, Taya Skorokhodova, Romina Villar.
Set design: Charles Altorffer.
Set construction: Mathieu Delangle.
Costumes: Anne Dussutour.
Lighting design: Martin Teruel.
Sound design: Amélie Polachowska.
Technical control: Thomas Aimard, Grégory Salles.
Broadcasting: Lisa Coulon.
Administration: Edwige Clavreul.
Production: Dodeka.
Photo credit: ©Virginie Meigné.