
My personal guide


Théâtre Saint-Lô > "Mort d'un commis voyageur"

Join us on January 16 at 8:30 pm at the Saint-Lô theater for the show "Mort d'un commis voyageur" by the company "Les échappés vifs".

Willy Loman has been a traveling salesman for over thirty years. Married to Linda and the father of two grown-up children, he has always spent his days away from home, criss-crossing the roads and fighting to win new customers.
Today, he's an exhausted man, confronted with a society he no longer understands? Mort d?un commis voyageur (Death of a Salesman) questions the complexity of the filial bond, while at the same time examining the violence of a capitalist society obsessed with material success. Family-oriented as well as social, psychological and political, Arthur Miller?s masterpiece speaks to us all about timeless subjects: love, the relationship with memory, childhood or family, the world of work, class relations, education, transmission, the passing of time...

"In commissioning a new translation from Kelly Rivière, I have no intention of altering or updating the subject matter. It seems essential to me that such a powerful work should be embodied in simple, fluid, direct language. This play offers a new forum for dialogue with what is most intimate to us: our relationship with our loved ones, our parents, our children." - Philippe Baronnet.

Text: Arthur Miller.
New translation: Kelly Rivière.
Stage direction: Philippe Baronnet.
Lighting: Maxime Rousseau.
Sound: Haldan de Vulpillières.
Costumes: Emilie Baillot.
Artistic collaboration: Alain Deroo, Marie-Cécile Ouakil, Mickaël Pruneau.
Production: Jérôme Broggini.
With Vincent Garanger, Anne Cressent, Marc Lamigeon, Félix Kysyl, René Turquois, Samuel Churin, Kelly Rivière, Philippe Baronnet.
Photo credit©Victor Tonelli.