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Concert, Festival, Show

Villes en Scène > Concert "Drôles d'oiseaux"


Base rate : à partir de 9,00 €
Reduced rate : à partir de 4,00 €



As part of the "La Manche met les villes en scène" festival, join us at the church in Tessy-Bocage for the "Drôles d'oiseaux" concert with Ensemble De Caelis and Les Chanteurs d?oiseaux.

Ensemble De Caelis, five women's voices, invite Les Chanteurs d?oiseaux to a poetic and mischievous joust.

Angels, rare and not-so-rare birds appear throughout this program, where nature and music intertwine. Ancient polyphonies from the 12th to the 16th century, improvisations and spectacular bird imitations by Jean Boucault and Johnny Rasse, unique performers in France, interweave in a joyful dialogue, with the emphasis on playfulness.

Since the Middle Ages, human song has been considered an imitation of bird song, itself derived from an earthly echo of the angels. The ensemble De Caelis, founded in 1998 by Laurence Brisset, is passionate about medieval music and evokes this filiation.

Virtuoso, poetic and mischievous, this concert celebrates art and nature. Les Chanteurs d?oiseaux surprise as much as they amaze, such is their talent for imitating nightingales, curlews and a host of other feathered species. A tribute to virtuosity and grace.

Vocals, organetto and musical direction: Laurence Brisset
Vocalists : Caroline Tarrit, Clara Pertuy, Estelle Nadau, Claire Trouilloud
Les Chanteurs d?oiseaux: Johnny Rasse and Jean Boucault

Running time: 1h1 - For all audiences (age 10 and up)